Price Optimization
Blue Yonder’s Price Optimization platform enables retailers to collect intelligence, test pricing scenarious and set the best possible pricing.
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[24]7 Predictive Experience Platform
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The [24]7 Predictive Experience Platform is a cloud-based customer engagement platform that is able to help anticipate customer intent in real-time and engage them across channels and devices. Design of Experiments (DoE) is used in conjunction with predictive analytics, real-time decisioning, and Big Data, which enables companies to engineer outcomes across a customer journey to help drive sales, service resolution, loyalty, and advocacy.
24-7 Press Release Newswire
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24-7 Press Release Newswire is a simple to use PR tool for any company. Content providers or marketers upload a press release to the 24-7 system, and it automatically gets distributed to traditional media, online media and social media channels.
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10,000ft Insights
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10,000ft Insights is an online brainstorming, collaboration and file sharing solution for creative teams irrespective of team members geographical location. Creatives can get together online in a “virtual war room,” gathering product or project specs, sharing sketches and designs, comparing concepts and ideas and providing feedback to the team.
Blacklist Informant
Read moreBlacklist Informant
Blacklist Informant is a solution detectings third-party blacklists that reject and filter email. Get notified when an issue occurs via SMS, email or both.