Product Purpose:
Madvertise Media’s location-based audience targeting is designed to promote strong brand building by reaching valuable users on a large scale
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[24]7 Active Share is a shared “online canvas” enabling voice agents to interact with a caller through rich visual web apps and collaborative browsing.
11Ants RAP (Retail Analytics Platform) is a cloud-based platform which designed to drive growth for medium to large retailers. The platform uncovers hidden value in customer transactional data, transforming it into actionable stories and triggering better engagement strategy, promotions and more.
24-7 Press Release Newswire is a simple to use PR tool for any company. Content providers or marketers upload a press release to the 24-7 system, and it automatically gets distributed to traditional media, online media and social media channels.
10X enables companies to host a social network on their own website with one line of code. With 10X, you can draw in your community with interactive content and an ultra-modern design.Topic based organization means content always reaches the people who are interested in it.