Persado Enterprise

Persado Enterprise platform is a persuasion automation solution for companies wanting the highest-performing machine-generated marketing language and persuasive emotional insights across multiple marketing channels and brands. The software uses semantic algorithms to map emotions and generate language for marketing communications such as emails, landing pages, mobile messages, push notifications and social media.


Product Features:
  • Explore millions of messages simultaneously with semantic algorithms.
  • Browse a huge data set of scored language covering emotions, product descriptions and call-to-action.
  • Customize content to meet specific brand guidelines.
Product Purpose: Using Persado’s platform, marketers are now able to leverage millions of mathematically generated messages to determine the optimal marketing language using the ideal combination of emotions, features and formatting elements.
Product Attributes: Free Trial: NA Tech Expert: Credit Card Required: NA Avg Installation Time: Immediate Training: No Training Offered Free Version:

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