SiteCTRL gives publishers deep insights into how their content is actually getting shared online. The ability to track content that is copied and pasted into an email or shared across Twitter and Facebook helps publishers measure content reach, giving them insights that they can use to figure out what content boosts site traffic and better search ranking.
11Ants AAP (Airline Analytics Platform) is a cloud based customer science platform for airlines that is based on the same customer analytics used in retail. The platform helps craft marketing messaging and effective promotions by collecting and interpreting data about customers, flights, routes, ancillary products, frequent flier program, and more.
[24]7 Social is a suite of apps that leverage prediction, real-time decisioning, and intuitive design frameworks to effectively add Social Influence to customer purchase and service journeys. The platform helps companies extend their brand reach through the Social Influence and Brand Advocates.
Blacklist Informant is a solution detectings third-party blacklists that reject and filter email. Get notified when an issue occurs via SMS, email or both.