LeadMaximizer is a channel management software solution enables users to exceed the forecasted sales projections of their alternate sales channel quotas.
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360dialog is an ultra-customizable mobile messaging platform that engages and re-engages customers individually with personalization features for push notifications, In-App Messages and Ads. Deliver personalized messaging through your mobile and desktop browsers, and reach users you otherwise wouldn’t reach by using smart deep linking technology. 360dialog also offers a Remarketing program that lets you trigger banner retargeting campaigns to lapsed users and bring them back into the funnel.
Real Platform is a cross-channel programmatic advertising platform that provides 100% viewiblilty and fraud-free campaigns to buyers. Integral Ad Science data measures viewability and helps 33Across prevent suspicious traffic from entering into their guaranteed marketplace. 33Across Real Platform partners with top DSPs, Trading Desks, Networks and Agencies.
The 1010data Insight platform is a cloud-based platform for big data discovery and data sharing enabling organizations to acquire, manage, analyze and visualize data.
The Blended Interest Graph can identify the individual on the other end of the ad server, look across many of their social accounts, and return an ad matched specifically to that person’s interests.