IBM Digital Analytics Impression Attribution

IBM Digital Analytics Impression Attribution is a reporting solution that helps marketers optimize impression-based marketing initiatives and justify budgets. Analyze the influence of online impressions on viewers, including those who don’t click. Track impressions for all marketing campaigns, including display ads, social media presences, widgets, micro-sites, and syndicated videos.


Product Features:
  • Analyze display advertising performance: Drive accountable advertising using attributable metrics such as sales, conversion events, page views and unique impression viewers.
  • Optimize budget allocation: Compare performance of different impression marketing initiatives.
  • Produce the right data views for the business: Toggle between metrics and visualizations to quickly identify best performing and least performing online marketing campaigns.
  • Target specific audiences and website behaviors: Use campaign attributes such as language, size, and genres to uncover hidden preferences of the campaign viewers.
Product Purpose: NA
Product Attributes: Free Trial: NA Tech Expert: Credit Card Required: NA Avg Installation Time: Immediate Training: No Training Offered Free Version:

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