Genesys Preference Management

The Genesys Preference Management solution combines consultative services and a web-based solution to help organizations develop and implement an effective and flexible preference management program that lets customers indicate their communications preferences for desired content, channels, and frequency. The solution can also leverage observed customer behaviors such as language selection, responses by channel, and promise-to-pay follow-through to optimize results and improve the customer experience


Product Features:
  • Sends requests asking customers to provide their communications preferences.
  • Captures preferences (including opt-in) over multiple channels.
  • Grows and maintains a customer preference database, including removing contacts when appropriate.
  • Enables organizations to comply with regulations and customer consent.
  • Allows companies to send personal and customized customer communications.
Product Purpose: Meet your needs today and tomorrow
Product Attributes: Free Trial: NA Tech Expert: Credit Card Required: NA Avg Installation Time: Not Defined Training: No Training Offered Free Version:

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