Emma Plus

Emma Plus is an advanced Event-triggered API with an intuitive workflow builder for targeted email campaigns based on customer behavior. With Emma Plus, you can react swiftly to every email open or click, abandoned shopping carts, website clicks and virtually any other online activity. Emma’s intuitive workflow builder makes it easy to map content to lead a customer alonge a desired journey.


Product Features:
  • Highly rated campaign design suite for marketing teams of all sizes.
  • Advanced tools trigger different content delivered to customers based on their specific set of actions.
  • Intuitive automation dashboard with a short learning curve to get you up to speed quickly.
  • Built-in inbox preview for every type of inbox (parthership with Litmus).
  • Seamless integration with existing platforms and systems such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Shopify, Magento and many more.
Product Purpose: Emma Email Marketing enables richer customer engagement and personal messaging through email and newsletter marketing campaigns, and provides clear performance insights with Metric, Emma's free mobile app. Emma boasts that automated emails get 119% higher
Product Attributes: Free Trial: NA Tech Expert: Credit Card Required: NA Avg Installation Time: Not Defined Training: No Training Offered Free Version:

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