AVID is a cost-effective, scalable Ad Server purpose-built to find the exact combinations (geography, creative, device, etc.) that are the most profitable, enabling advertisers to generate drill-down reports that group multiple variables into a single, expandable report. The advanced database structure makes it easy to generate a report that first groups by creative ID, then by devices, then by countries, for any number of campaigns or even your entire portfolio of millions of clicks. The drill down report feature is immensely powerful as it allows you to see which exact combinations are yielding you the highest returns.


Product Features:
  • Comes with pre-loaded ad styles for multiple ads in commonly used ad placement sizes.
  • Create advertising native to specific publishers, networks, or traffic sources.
  • Easily scales from a few thousand impressions on a small website to billions of impressions per month.
  • Option to use your own domains for all redirects.
  • SSL possible to allow https.
  • Track, analyze, and optimize on data that remains protected and secure.
Product Purpose: NA
Product Attributes: Free Trial: NA Tech Expert: Credit Card Required: NA Avg Installation Time: Immediate Training: NA Free Version:

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