OpenText Digital Asset Management (DAM)

Featuring a powerful, yet simple-to-use interface, the OpenText Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution helps organizations find, share, collaborate, and use digital assets anywhere, for richer, more effective communication in marketing, and throughout the extended enterprise. Manage branding assets and digital media in a single repository find what you need and eliminate time-wasting shared drives.


Product Features:
  • Centralized, secure and accessible repository to manage digital media, branding and video.
  • End-to-end workflows and features for creative production, review, approval, publishing and distribution of assets.
  • Scalable for the largest enterprises,.
Product Purpose: Users can get a 360 degree view of their business, explore billions of records in seconds and apply advanced and predictive analytics techniques all in a drag-and-drop experience, with no complex data modeling or coding required.
Product Attributes: Free Trial: NA Tech Expert: Credit Card Required: NA Avg Installation Time: Not Defined Training: No Training Offered Free Version: