Crisp MoCA

Crisp MoCA is a proprietary end-to-end mobile-first platform that seamlessly links data, analytics, and personalized creative messaging to engage shoppers at the right micro-moment along their path-to-purchase. With Crisp MoCA, mobile app marketers can measure the results, and optimize for continual improvement. Crisp’s mobile-first creative studio helps our designers produce user experiences that seamlessly integrate content from partner sources to provide actionable shopper utility, customized to the shopper, the retailer, and the context, and MoCA Audience DMP operates with comprehensive access to mobile shopper targeting data, uniting Crisp’s own ad engagement-based behavioral data, with data from all key critical geo-location, geo-behavioral and demographic audience segmentation providers.


Product Features:
  • Reach shoppers through compelling, highly viewable, non-standard ad units not available through programmatic channels.
  • Creative studio helps our designers produce user experiences that seamlessly integrate content from partner sources to provide actionable shopper utility, customized to the shopper, the retailer, and the context, DMP operates from mobile shopper geo-location, geo-behavioral, audience segmentation, even integrating feeds from environmental (e.g. weather), client, retailer or other third-party sources.
  • Trading desk integrates with public media supply sources to locate the best inventory to meet your campaign objectives.
Product Purpose: NA
Product Attributes: Free Trial: Tech Expert: Credit Card Required: NA Avg Installation Time: Not Defined Training: No Training Offered Free Version:

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